I gazed at myself in the mirror.
Questioning myself, who am I?
It is evident that I am not my reflection.
I am the one staring at my reflection, the real me.
I shifted into my actual body.
Are my arms me? my eyes?
How can I observe my physical body if I am that.
And I realized that I am the one observing the bodily form.
Not the actual body.
My mind wandered to find out the real me.
I observed my wandering thoughts as if they were clouds floating away in the sky.
Are my ideas, thoughts, or imaginations me?
No, I am just observing those.
My frustration level is rising.
My head is hurting right now.
Here it comes, other forms, feelings and emotions.
Like my arms and legs, I can observe my feelings and emotions.
As if I were seeing in the mirror, I could recognize my emotional body.
I am not my emotional body.
I am the observer of it.
I just have to calm down now.
Reflect on what I discovered.
My physical form is not who I am.
I am not my thoughts, feelings, emotions or imagination.
Me? Who am I?
I am ready to let go of the forms that no longer I am.
I let my thoughts to drift.
I mustered bravery in that quiet.
I mustered the courage to face the fear of the unknown.
I found myself in the stillness of not knowing.
I am the one who is unable to break away from who I am.
I am that I am.
